STUDIA IURIDICA Cassoviensia is a scientific journal published by Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice within Faculty of law. Its main goal is to publish authentic scientific articles and studies aimed at diverse subjects of jurisprudence and which also brings discussion contributions, overview of case law, reviews of scientific publications and information from academic life. The purpose of the journal is to become a modern scientific periodical not only for academic community but also for real life law practitioners.

more information

Deadline for submission

Review Process:
June - August 2024

Publication date:
September 2024


For authors

Faculty of Law at Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice is the editor of the scientific journal STUDIA IURIDICA Cassoviensia. The scientific focus of the journal follows the requirement, that contributions submitted for publication must meet the formal, structural and content requirements.


On the web site can be found not only actual volume of the Journal, but also all archive volumes. In particular article it is possible to search by using keywords; than the results are displayed in the list. Articles are free accesible in pdf files that allows its easy reading and printing.


Editorial Office

Editorial Office SIC
University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice
Faculty of Law
Kováčska 26, P. O. Box A-45
040 75 Košice

E-mail: redakcia_SIC@upjs.sk